Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Profile Blog: Will Ferrell

Will Ferrell Detailed Biography

The main objective of the articile was to inform you about who Will Ferrell is ,what he has done with his career, and how it all started. The subject is Will Ferrell, a comedian actor. It fulfill's my criteria of giving description of the character. It tells who he is in a sequential form. It also satisfies Ballenger's criteria of a detailed look at one person.

I have learned about Will Ferrell's background and how he became the hilarious comedian he is. I thought that he was just always a hilarious guy who rose to the top. I was clearly mistaken. He first got his degree in sports casting, then decided to try some acting skills in a few classes and became interested. I also believed he was always one of the funniest, talented actors on Saturday Night Live; but this biography states that he was one of the worst actors on his first season, which I found extremely hard to believe. Will Ferrell is so funny!

Kyanne Somday
ENEX 101
Laurie White
27 February 2008

1 comment:

David Cysneiros said...

David, Eric

Will Ferrell Bio Response

1. First impressions and personality traits don’t reflect who the actor Will Ferrell becomes in his later years. They make it seem like his greatest accomplishments were with Saturday Night Live and the Groundlings where in reality the majority of people know Will Ferrell from movies like Anchorman, Zoolander, Old School, Talladega Nights etc.

2. Impression and personality is very vague. It doesn’t talk much about who he is, and why he has become one of the most famous actors in comedy. It doesn’t talk about the unique sense of humor style which has played like a role model for other movies.

3. Quite inconsistent with word choice and imagery, flip flops between his character and doesn’t provide a valid indication of Will’s true character. Doesn’t seem like much time was put into the profile, but probably done as a task rather than exploring the character.

4. Overall weak intro as it seems too formal, and doesn’t provide enough useful information about the actor. Seems very opinionated and vague. Maybe the date of this article isn’t recent as it doesn’t provide any information or highlights of his recent years.