Wednesday, February 27, 2008

website assignment

Title : The Disco Biscuits’ Marc Brownstein: The Man Behind The Bass

The purpose of the interview is to get into the mind of a musician who usually is never heard or
understood on a personal level. Musicians are always hidden behind their instruments. The artist in this particular interview is the bassist for the Philadelphia-based, trance-fusion band called the Disco Biscuits. The interview represents Bruce Ballenger's idea that "profiles go beyond mere description of subjects and reveal information about character much as a short story does, through telling details and the subject's own voice."

The profile goes into Brownstein's life and dives into his relationship with his wife and the child she recently gave birth to and how it has effected his life inside and out of tDB(the Disco Biscuits). The article also discusses the role of tDB in his life and how he feels they have effected the music scene and their audience. From what seems as a shallow yet talented artist becomes a deep and insightful person. He writes his music to inspire and relate to the audience. The most intriguing thing that I learned from the interview is Bronstein's nervousness. To this day he brings a copy of the lyrics out on stage for fear that he is going to lose his place or forget his lines, a nervousness that he has had since his first performance in an elementary school play.

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