Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Steroids in Baseball

"MLB Steroids" Cartoon my Mike Keefe, The Denver Post:

This cartoon references the steroid use in the MLB. The cartoon infers that the steroid use in major league baseball is getting way out of hand. In the cartoon the coach says there is a drug test on April 7th, while in the background there are players shooting up and commenting back to the coach one guy says thats next April 7th which infers that they dont really care about the test because there are ways around them and the simple fact that everyones doing them so it doesn't even matter.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

This cartoon is the resemblance indicating how the American dollar has plummeted below the value of other countries currencies. There is a hint of irony overshadowing the old man who resembles an American icon, which is believed to portray an image of power and wealth. In contrast it indicates the current low standing of how the American dollar is less substantial to that of its counterparts.

David C

This cartoon refers to the racial differences during this years presidential election. It is a racial comic trying to state that an African American may have a better chance at getting votes because he has so many more hardships that were overcame, and still overcoming, than a white candidate. Hence he may win the election because he has more problems to conquer than the average white candidate.

Kyanne Somday

Monday, March 17, 2008

This cartoon shows how the two canidates are fighting over the nomination. Hilary poses as the second place person but then steals the first place from Obama. This tries to tell the viewer what Hilary would do to win the nomination. It is a negative cartoon towards Hilary and my not be totally justified.

Op-Ed intelligent design cartoon

This cartoon points out the hypocrisy of teaching intelligent design in schools. I chose this cartoon to show how the line between church and state has become blurred, and how our country needs to go back to the founding principle of separation between the two.
-Ryon Reich

Big Tax Cuts

This cartoon tells about the government giving oil company execs big tax cuts. I plan to talk about how tax cuts for oil companies, while good for the economy, are not fair to ordinary citizens.

Eric Monroe

Op-Ed cartoon

This cartoon references the use of ethanol instead of gas. The cartoon infers that ethanol is hard to obtain and there aren't many stations around. I plan on talking about how ethanol is not a good substitute for gas. There are too many things wrong with it.

Janelle Barker

OP-ED hyperlink

"And the New Season Begins!" cartoon by Signe Wilkinson

This cartoon references the fight between Senator McCain and Supreme Court over campaign financing. The cartoon infers that the federal campaign finance limit that McCain wants to be put in place could be a violation of free speech.

US Dollar Depreciation

This cartoon references the depreciation of the dollar. I plan on discussing how the depreciation of the dollar has affected the threat of a recession in our economy.

Organ Donation

The other coast by Adrian Raeside

This cartoon referes to the option of being an organ donor once you pass. It helps to show that all it takes is some heart to care enough to give someone else the chance of life.


Political Cartoon by Michael Ramirez

Once you click on the link the second cartoon listed is the one I chose. This cartoon is portraying the side effects of the new push for more ethanol in fuels. Although a seemingly great idea and another method of cutting back our dependance on foreign countries for our oil the larger problems that it causes go largely unreported in much of the media. The most troubling of them is the worldwide pressures it is putting on poor people to even cover the costs of feeding themselves. I want to go into this topic and show how the supposed benefits of ethanol are far outweighed by the unseen costs. Its not only corn prices that are being affected by this higher demand but farmers are switching to corn and abandoning other crops to make more money. This has caused shortages in the other crops and thus prices are rising across the board.

This cartoon is about the high rates of tuition for college students. Tuition for colleges nationally are increasing very rapidly. This is making it very hard for students and families to afford college and leaving many graduates with a large debt.


Sunday, March 16, 2008

OP-ED Cartoon by Steve Sack


This cartoon makes reference to the issue of political campaigns by illustrating the idea that Clinton and Obama are bashing each other so much that McCain is having an easy race by avoiding the bashing. Campaigns are no longer about the image you want to portray to fellow citizens or the goals you want to accomplish, but are turning more into destroying the image of the competitor. The whole debate is pointing fingers at the other in hopes of shattering the audiences outlook and altering their decisions in voting. This is maybe suggesting that the political campaigns need to go back to the principles and guidelines of running for the countries leadership positions.

Legalization of Medical Marijuana

The comic depicts one of the key issues in the fight for the legalization of marijuana, states rights. Many states have passed laws protecting their citizens but federal agencies have begun to flex their muscles in an attempt to curb the increase in medical marijuana use by patients.


"At the Club" cartoon by Jeff Danziger

This comic refers to the Governor of New York, Elliot Spitzer, who was recently exposed to being involved in a prostitution scandal. The cartoon infers that politicians think they are superior to the rest of society and they should be treated as kings. That the rules are different for them.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

"Immigration" cartoon by Kevin Kallaugher

This cartoon refers to the on going immigration problem in the United States. It brings up the point that the immigrants do often do all the dirty work that keeps the U.S. going. It basically supports the allowance of immigrants.

Kristin Smith

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Jane Doe "Coach L"

My over all impression with Coach L. is not that impressive. It starts out o.k. by trying to create the vision of a big intimidating coach. But six foot three is not that tall so I would have switched the first sentence with the second one. I felt more drawn in with the specificity of the second sentence rather than just numbers like in the first. The only thing is if you use a specific event to draw us in you need to refer back to it later in the essay and Jane Doe didn't do that so it leaves me hanging not knowing what I expected to know by the end. Also you need to be consistent in how you refer to your subject. Is it Coach L, Coach Libenguth or just Coach you need to choose one and refer to it through out the entire essay.
I feel there is too much back ground and not enough info about the coach and her love and skill for basketball. I want to know about one of the times she played in an All-State basketball game and what it was like, I need details to keep me interested. Explain things that are specific to basketball like what does it mean to be "red shirted" I have no idea, never heard of such a thing. Also more details, how did she get into the UofM Hall of Fame? I mean that is impressive I want to know more about that and how she feels about it. One way that helps with that is more quotes I never felt like she was telling me anything, it was always you telling me with a quote saying almost the same thing you just said. I need to hear the voice of the coach more and less of yours.
The beginning and end of the essay is not connected at all. I never find out what scared the daylights out of you that one day at lunch. Over all it was just a brief outline of facts and events of Coach L. there was no major point that got reiterated through out the essay.

Monday, March 10, 2008


"Economic Stimulus Package" cartoon by Jim Morin,
The Miami Herald:

This cartoon references the recent proposed Economic Stimulus Package by the federal government intent on reversing the economic recession facing this country. The cartoon infers that the economic plan may not be sufficient to help stop the "destructive force" of recession.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Famous People: Michael Jordan

The main objective of this article is to summarize the key elements in the life of Michael Jordan’s on and off experiences as a professional basketball player and role model. The article follows a certain timeline format comprising of his highlights and unique accomplishments which have made him famous. The main aspect apparent in the article is to show how Jordan was in a class of his own and believed to be the greatest player to play basketball proven by statistics.
I’ve grown a wider understanding for the meaning of a famous person. They can more likely be referred to as a legend sine they continue to receive recognition and be talked about when they may no longer still be active in the activity that made them famous. This is prevalent in sports, music, art, writing and many others.


Monday, March 3, 2008

John Mcain

This profile of the soon to be nominee for the G.O.P. starts out with a story of one of his rallies. In this story it goes on to explain the types of people that are there and mundain things that Mcain says. It is a very discriptive profile full of facts and opinion. It follows the basics of the genre and is very well written.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Heath Ledger

The main purpose of this article is to inform the people of prescription drug abuse in the celebrity world. Heath Ledger is the focus of the article; he was found dead on a Tuesday morning, from what looked to be a drug overdose or a suicide. Autopsy concluded that it was in fact an accidental overdose. The article gives a brief description of the events that happened on the day of Heath's death. It sheds light on the difficulties of celebrities in the public eye. It's intriguing how these celebrities seem to have it all, yet they still turn to prescription drugs to cope with their publicly exposed lives.


Thursday, February 28, 2008


THE SHOTCALLER // Dennis Leary

This particular article is in interview of the comedian Dennis Leary. The first thing that the article addresses you with is the fact that he no longer is just a comedian. He's now a reliable actor, an inspired writer, and a bankable producer. To me the main objective or purpose of the article is to let people know who Dennis Leary is and what seperates him from other comedians such as Eddie Murphy. One thing that the interview does at the start of the article is to inform you who Dennis Leary is and a brief run down of his credentials in case you don't know much about Dennis. I found it interesting or different from most actors that Dennis Leary is all about the quality of his work not just about how much money he can make. He goes on to say that he could never do what Eddie Murphy does when he makes terrible movies like Norbit just to make a lot of cash. I was intrigued to learn that Dennis pitched is show Rescue Me, to only HBO and FX because thoses were the only two networks that he thought would let him create Rescue Me how he thought it should without hindering his creativity.

Zach Morgan

William Buckley

I did my report on the death of William F. Buckley. Buckley died in his home in Stamford Conn. at the age of 82. Buckley was the host for the television program, "Firing Line". He also founded the magazine National Review. He also managed to write over 50 book. His greatest achievement was making conservatism as a system of ideas. President Bush said that Buckley “brought conservative thought into the political mainstream, and helped lay the intellectual foundation for America’s victory in the Cold War.” The most intriguing thing I've learned about Buckley, or rather something that made me think, was that many people compared his tongue to that of an anteaters.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Profile Blog: Will Ferrell

Will Ferrell Detailed Biography

The main objective of the articile was to inform you about who Will Ferrell is ,what he has done with his career, and how it all started. The subject is Will Ferrell, a comedian actor. It fulfill's my criteria of giving description of the character. It tells who he is in a sequential form. It also satisfies Ballenger's criteria of a detailed look at one person.

I have learned about Will Ferrell's background and how he became the hilarious comedian he is. I thought that he was just always a hilarious guy who rose to the top. I was clearly mistaken. He first got his degree in sports casting, then decided to try some acting skills in a few classes and became interested. I also believed he was always one of the funniest, talented actors on Saturday Night Live; but this biography states that he was one of the worst actors on his first season, which I found extremely hard to believe. Will Ferrell is so funny!

Kyanne Somday
ENEX 101
Laurie White
27 February 2008

Numbers Guy

I wrote my article on a man named Stanislas Dehaene who is a neuroscientist based in Paris. This article focused on work that Dehaenehas been doing with numbers. It mentioned a man who had been nicknamed Mr. N. He recieved a brain injury and can no longer read or speak very well, he also has trouble counting and recognizing numbers. However one of the interesting things about Mr. N is that he can still recognize numbers even though he does not know which ones they are and he can also tell if they are bigger than another number. The writer did not write about himself throughout the article and didn't really put to much personal imput into the article. The article itself did not have a lot to offer in the way of visual appeal. The only thing that was in the article other than the text was a small comic. Overall the article was interesting and informative.

Eric Monroe

Classy Economist: Thomas Sowell

The article I chose was an interview with the economist Thomas Sowell. The interview was to show what contributions Sowell has made to economic theory and what drives him in his writing. The author started the profile by explaining the short time for the interview and because of his lack of time with the subject he backed up his quotes by describing Sowells past accomplishments. I had read a few book by Thomas Sowell but had never realized how prolific he was. Also I never knew anything of his personal life and was surprised to find out he was an orphan.

Joe Veltkamp

The Future According to Radiohead

The article I chose was on the band Radiohead's latest album and their unique way to release it. The main purpose of the article was to give fans an insight on the band members and learn a little more about the making of the new album. The main subject initially was about the lead singer Thom Yorke but soon lead to talking about all of the members. The article did continue to favor Yorke the most though throughout. As far as a profile is considered, the author protrayed a group of people in a small amount of time and described the band and surroundings immensely. He kept himself out of the picture while still notifying the reader he was present with quotes from his specific questions and personal views on the situation. I noticed the graphic detail included in the profile that gave the reader a much clearer idea about the presense of the person profiled. I gained more emotional insight on all the band members, mostly the other band members that don't normally get as much air time opposed to Yorke. I was facinated to learn that they have kids, the most intriguing was that Thom Yorke did!

Kristin Smith

Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp Sings

I wrote my article on Johnny Depp's new movie, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. He sings for the first time in this movie. The main objective in this interview is to talk about him singing for the first time and where he got his musical abilities from. It fulfills that stories should be interesting and also uses the narrative as a method of organization. The stories are fun to read and that is mostly what Depp talks about in it.
I never knew that Johnny Depp had so much musical background. I thought he could just sing. I never knew that he had a band or that his uncle was a preacher that sang. The most interesting thing I found out was that he was in a band. I would not picture him being in a band. He has always been one to follow his own thing and being in a band is what everyone does. It is funny how his band came to be started. They just randomly one day decided to make one and then they began playing at all the backyard parties.

Janelle Barker

Giants' Strahan says retirement possible

The article i found was about Michael Strahan a football player for the New York Giants. I found this article on from the New York Giants home page. This was an article that was published on The purpose of the article was to inform readers on Strahan's thoughts on retiring this year after the Giants SuperBowl win. This article gave background on Michael Strahan and also included many quotes from when he was interviewed about this subject. I read a lot of information that i did not previously know on his thoughts of retiring from the NFL before next season. The most intriguing thing to me in the article was that if he did retire he would want to become a media member. He commented that he would be the one asking the questions.

Shelbie McKern

Roger Clemens

The main objective or purpose of this article is the issue of roger Clemens lieing under oath under a federal jury about him taking steroids during his time as an MLB pitcher. The subjects of this profile are roger Clemens and Brian McNamee. I think it does fulfill the requirements because the whole court process was one big interview for both participants. I gain a lot of insight on this profile because it is such a big deal in baseball right now and the when they went in front of a federal jury they had a lot of great interview questions asked by many federal prosecutors. The single most intriguing thing i learned about this whole process is him simply doing steroids. No one thought he would ever do it or has ever done it but now throughout this whole investigation its basically been proven that he did take steroids while playing in the MLB.

Post by Tasha Tucker

The profile that I looked at was the I was interested in what would be said about the Academy Awards that occurred on the 24Th of February. So upon reaching this website, I clicked on the subtitle "Rock at the Oscars." The decription of the page was, "A brief history of music at Hollywood's Big Night." The picture that caught my eye and attention was the dynamic duo, Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglora, winners of Best Original Song for "Falling Slowly" from the film Once during this night at the Academy Awards. This page displayed the honored partners displaying their awards as well as performing during the ceremony. The page continued with pictures and descriptions from the evening happenings.

website assignment

Title : The Disco Biscuits’ Marc Brownstein: The Man Behind The Bass

The purpose of the interview is to get into the mind of a musician who usually is never heard or
understood on a personal level. Musicians are always hidden behind their instruments. The artist in this particular interview is the bassist for the Philadelphia-based, trance-fusion band called the Disco Biscuits. The interview represents Bruce Ballenger's idea that "profiles go beyond mere description of subjects and reveal information about character much as a short story does, through telling details and the subject's own voice."

The profile goes into Brownstein's life and dives into his relationship with his wife and the child she recently gave birth to and how it has effected his life inside and out of tDB(the Disco Biscuits). The article also discusses the role of tDB in his life and how he feels they have effected the music scene and their audience. From what seems as a shallow yet talented artist becomes a deep and insightful person. He writes his music to inspire and relate to the audience. The most intriguing thing that I learned from the interview is Bronstein's nervousness. To this day he brings a copy of the lyrics out on stage for fear that he is going to lose his place or forget his lines, a nervousness that he has had since his first performance in an elementary school play.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A list of useful links for the Genre Analysis assignments:
  1. American Album - must create free nytimes account to access
  3. Time magazine:
  4. New Yorker magazine, - look for "profile" as heading to articles
  5. Harper's magazine,
  6. Rolling Stone magazine,
  7. Sports Illustrated magazine,
  8. The Missoulian newspaper